Anti-drug mass awareness slogans

1) We want a drug-free, healthy world.

2) Let us all build a drug-free society together.

3) Unite against drug abuse.

4) Not drugs, not death, but a drug-free life.

5) Save yourself and others from the deadly effects of drugs.

6) Save your innocent child from drug addiction.

7) Quit drugs and love your child, save them from drug addiction.

8) A drug-free society means a crime-free society.

9) The main cause of the deadly disease AIDS is drug addiction.

10) The destructive power of drugs is more terrible and far-reaching than an atomic bomb.

11) “Life is only one, love it. Stay away from drugs.”

12) Stand up against drugs, save the youth of the world.

13) Make your child aware of the evil effects of drugs before they fall into the clutches of addiction.

14) Drug addiction is a mental illness, help cure and control this disease.

15) I want a beautiful life free from drugs.

16) Help keep the present and future generations free from drugs.

17) Celebrate June 26 as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

18) Make the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking a success.

19) Drug addiction is transmitted from generation to generation through the bloodstream.

20) Our goal is to build a drug-free society and nation.

21) There is no difference between drug addiction and suicide.

22) Come forward to build a drug-free nation.

23) Build social resistance against drug abuse.

24) Raise your voice from door to door, “Yes” to life, “No” to drugs.

25) Youth are the best asset of the nation, come forward to save them from the clutches of drugs.

26) Drug addiction is a huge obstacle to human resource development, let’s remove this obstacle together.

27) Stay away from drugs.

28) Every family should be a drug-free ideal family.

29) Addiction means death, living in addiction is a loss of peace.

30) Living in drugs means making money, hanging from the noose.

31) Drugs are not a means of entertainment – a path to suicide.

32) The one who offers drugs can never be a friend.

33) Curiosity about drugs can lead to terrible consequences.

34) Continuous drug use causes erectile dysfunction.

35) There is no happiness in drug addiction, all addictions increase sadness.

36) Sleeping pills do not give sleep, they take away sleep.

37) Let’s quit addiction and take up pens, build a drug-free society.

38) One of the main causes of AIDS and hepatitis is drug addiction through injection.

39) Excessive use of  phensedyl destroys white blood cells.

40) Heroin addiction, decline in all professions.

41) Marijuana, fancy, heroin destroys talent.

42) Mixing with dishonest people, will lead to drug addiction.

43) Under the influence of charas and marijuana, talent and intelligence decrease.

44) The drug addiction of parents is transmitted from generation to generation through the bloodstream.

45) Any addiction of a pregnant mother also affects the fetus in the womb.

46) Drug addiction, crime and subculture are companions of each other.

47) Drug addiction destroys the hormonal balance in the body and causes male infertility.

48) Drug addiction is an obstacle to family and marital happiness.

49) Drug addiction gives rise to criminal tendencies.

50) Lack of family ties and harmony is one of the reasons for drug addiction.

51) A little love and a little time for your child can prevent many future disasters.

52) Unnecessary medicine provokes those addictions.

53) Drugs are destroying our youth.

54) Neglect and indifference of parents are one of the reasons for children’s drug addiction.

55) Smoking is the gateway to the kingdom of drugs.

56) Hate drug addiction, not drug addiction.

57) Sports increase the ball, quit drugs and start playing.

58) Gambling, drugs, cards and addiction are all-consuming.

59) The manipulation of drug addicts is sneaky and thieves and extortionists.

60) Terrorism and extortion are increasing in the country today due to drug addiction.

61) The impact of drugs is more dangerous than the impact of a cigarette.

62) There is no happiness in addiction, there is no happiness in the end, there are terrible consequences.

63) Those who will fall into the trap of addiction will lose everything and die.

64) Drugs are not a fashion, but a path to terrible consequences.

65) Illegal drug dealers are enemies of the country and the nation. Expose them.

66) Those who survive drugs should be expelled from their society.

67) Let every ashtray become a flower pot.

68) I want a drug-free life, I want nicotine-free air.

69) The best medicine to get rid of drug addiction is will and morale.

70) Phensedyl and heroin destroy the body’s immune system.

71) AIDS and drugs are two killers together.

72) Drugs take away life from life, stay away from drugs.

73) Youth is the best asset of the nation. Come forward to save them from the scourge of drugs.

74) I want a beautiful life free from drugs.

75) The destructive power of drugs is more terrible than a nuclear bomb.

76) Drugs: Treatment Works. Drug addiction: Freedom through treatment.

77) Avoid drugs, build a healthy life.

78) Both AIDS and drugs are deadly, drug addicts are very likely to get AIDS.

79) Build social resistance against drug abuse.

80) Every family should be a drug-free ideal family.

81) Drug addiction takes away life from life, be alert before your child becomes a drug addict.

82) AIDS is a deadly disease! This disease is spreading rapidly in the world. Did you know? Injection users have the highest rate of AIDS among drug users? Therefore, take necessary precautions.

83) Protect the youth, the best asset of the nation, from the scourge of drugs. Build a social movement against drugs.

 84) All family members have responsibilities towards each other. Be sincere in fulfilling all your responsibilities, and ensure that no member of the family becomes addicted to drugs.

85) Drug addicts are being treated at the drug addiction treatment center. If any member of your family is addicted to drugs, feel free to bring him to the treatment center

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